December 25, 2024
The Inn is decorated for the holiday and looks so festive with the snow clouds. No sunrise this morning because of the clouds but we did get a Christmas ornament on our door knob, a fun way to start the day. The lobby is filled with families gathered around the fireplace in Christmas pajamas digging through their gifts from Santa.
After breakfast we geared up for an amazing walking exploration through the Upper Geyser Basin. In an area of about two square miles, the Upper Geyser Basin contains the largest concentration of these spouting thermal features in the world—nearly one-quarter of the Earth’s geysers.
Along with Old Faithful we also go to view the Grand Geyser, the largest regularly erupting geyser in the world. We walked along the snowy boardwalk while the gentle snow started to cover our jackets. We made it all the way to the Marigold geyser! We walked about 6 miles total so by the time we got back to the hotel it was lunch time. I loved being outside enjoying this incredible place!!
After lunch I headed back out on snowshoes to continue exploring the surrounding forested trails. Traveling across the quiet, sparkling snow this way was magical.
I have snow shoes. So fun and peaceful