December 3, 2024
We traveled by bus to Torres del Paine this morning, This national park was declared a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1978 and is renowned as one of the most remote, beautiful, and unspoiled places in the world. The landscape is rich and diverse in dramatic geological formations, which combine in several distinct ecosystems, from the wind-bent grasses of the plains to the sheer, frozen cliffs of the Andes.
Along the way we learned to make Mate, a caffeinated beverage made from the leaves of the yerba mate plant, which is native to South America. Mate is a symbol of Argentine identity and culture.
We made several stops along the way to learn about the landscapes and natural features of Patagonia. The park comprises about 935 square miles and is part of the Paine Massif, Granite Mountains that emerge suddenly from the plains of the Patagonian steppes and are capped by crumbly sedimentary rock that used to lie on the valley floor. This granite intrusion—one of the most recognizable mountain profiles in the world—was formed about twelve million years ago, making the Paine Massif quite young geologically. Sedimentary rock and magma collided violently and were thrust high into the air. After the Ice Age, when the ice fields covering the base of the massif began to melt, water and wind carved the rock into huge towers of varying shapes, at heights up to 9,000feet. Some of these are covered in permanent ice. At our level, the crushed rock and sediment colors the lakes in the park from a milky gray to yellows and greens and the dramatic blue caused by blue algae.
At one point we saw 12 Condors flying over the mountains. I was able to capture one who was just floating over me…..wow!!!
WOW, was the word that kept coming out of my mouth as we traveled along the bumpy road. At each turn the spectacular view became even better. Can’t wait to hike tomorrow.
Best day ever…so far but I know tomorrow will be even better!!