May 31,2024
In the misty rain I did a walkabout to revisit my favorite sites in Rome. In the quiet of the morning before the chaos of the tourist I reflected on the history of this city. The colosseum with the violence of the gladiators that was considered entertainment!, the Roman ruins that represents the opulence of the times, the Tiber river that separates the Vatican part of Rome from the historical part and my favorite site Trivi fountain!! Even at 6am in the rain there was a crowd!! Yes, I did toss 3 coins into the fountain and renew my wish! All too soon it was time to head back to the hotel as it was time to go to the airport.
On the drive from the airport to Palermo I quickly noticed the difference from Rome, the green cliffs, the beautiful blue ocean and the lack of traffic. My hotel is located in the city centre which is quiet. Shortly after checking in and dropping my bag I was out exploring.
Just around the corner I encounter the most beautiful street art!
Palermo is way bigger than I imaged with a Main Street filled with designer shops, apartment building with balconies filled with flowers, a park with beautiful trees and lots of the sidewalk cafes with people sitting enjoying the day.
Tomorrow I join a group to tour Sicily and it includes a walking tour of Palermo. Since I have been solo for two weeks I am looking forward to connecting with fellow travelers!