May 25, 2024
Today we are docked in Katakolon, Greece a picturesque town located just 20 miles from Olympia.
The ruins of Olympia were my destination for the day. As an Olympic junkie I was anxious to see the site of the original games that was destroyed by an earthquake and has been evacuated and partially restored.
The games originated here in 776 BC and started as a festival where there was one running race that was done naked. They participated naked because one of the runners lost his skirt while running so everyone else thought he had a competing edge and dropped theirs. Of note it was illegal for a woman to watch and if caught the punishment was death
As I wandered through the ethereal sanctuary, of temples, altars, and treasuries, all of which are overlooked by trees said to have been planted by Hercules himself.
Yes I did walk the stadium’s original course (too hot to run)!, The arch that was a tunnel that the athletes walked through to get to the stadium is partially reconstructed. I stood on the marble starting line with the right arm forward and the left arm behind, which was the original starting position and gazed into the hills that surround the running field where the audience sat and envisioned being one of the runner. Hopefully just thinking about the games does not doom me to being thrown over the cliff to my death.
My tour guide was incredible she was 70 years old ad had been guiding for 48 hears. She shared so many incredible storeies!!
Did you know that Plato was an Olympic champion???
The caldron where the Olympic frame is lit for each Olympics is underwhelming but it is still a sacred part of the Olympic tradition but only since the 1936 Berlin games where Hitler came up with the event.
The collection of priceless treasures in the Archaeological Museum of Olympia. Include the immaculately carved, marble statue of Hermes, and the pediment of the Temple of Zeus, which housed one of the Seven Wonders of the World – the gold and ivory statue of Zeus. The statue of Nike, Zeus’s daughter is incredible. Horses were the sacrifice to the gods and since most people did not have a real horse to sacrifice there are lots of horse figurines that were found during the dig.
Back from Olympia I wandered around the town of Katakoon including going down to the beach. Did several olive oil tasting including green olive creama which is so tasty! A tasting of Greek wines finished the day!!
Back on ship just in time as it started raining hard as I was walking up the gangway.
Time to say goodbye to the Greek Isles as we head to Rome and the start of the next part of my adventure.
Tomorrow is a sea day so no blog.
Fascinating trip.