April 29, 2024
The day started off with lots of rain and I was concerned that it was going to be a challenging day but shortly the rained stopped and I was able to do a bit of a walk about around Cork. Our hotel was located on the river so I walked the path toward the city centre. About a mile into the walk misting rain started and then it was a full on rain shower! I arrived back at the hotel more than a bit wet!!!
After breakfast we headed to Blarney Castle! The rain stopped just as we got to the castle so we headed directly to the tower that lead to the Blarney Stone. Up 126 very narrow stairs inside the tower lead to the top floor of the ruins. Kissing the stone is not easy!! You lie on your back, grab two rails then lean your head all the way down while a guy hold you so you don’t crash to the ground all while having your picture taken!!!! Mission accomplished then we headed out to explore the grounds around the castle including a poison garden (plants that can kill your enemy) and a beautiful lake. After our 5 mile walk about we had to stop in the pub for an Irish coffee in take away cups to enjoy on the coach ride to our hotel.
For dinner we headed to Muckross House for an Irish Night in Quills farmhouse with traditional food and entertainment. The sisters who played traditional Irish folk songs incredible and I truly felt transported to 1920’s Ireland.
After we got back to the hotel we decide that we needed to explore the quaint town a bit and set off on a pub crawl that resulted in us getting a bit lost and having to go the the police station after a few gins to ask direction…lol!!! We got back to the hotel and sitting by the fire when the rain started again!!
I learned a Gaelic word today that totally describes what my adventures in Ireland have been. The word is Craic (pronounced like crack). So may all your days be filled with craic!!!!
This was without a doubt a best day ever….so far!!!!