January 11, 2024
Today we are anchored in the bay near the small town of Kaikoura. Kaikoura is a coastal town on the South Island of New Zealand. It’s known for its abundant wildlife and its sperm whale population. The Kaikoura Peninsula Walkway winds from the town centre to lookout points at Point Kean. Close by, the rock platforms are home to a colony of New Zealand fur seals.
We tendered into town and discovered that it was one street about 3 blocks long! It didn’t take long to explore but it did have a couple of fun street art pieces.
I walked the entire town in 15 minutes and then I waited in anticipation for my first adventure of the day…LLama Trek. When the van and trailer arrived I became a bit nervous as to what I had gotten myself into. The van was dirty and the windshield actually cobwebs in the corner. Kevin (the owner) was scruffy and very grouchy but I got in the van anyway because I really wanted to interact with the Llamas!!! We drove to the coast and when we got out and Joey (llama) peaked out of the trailer I knew everything was gonna be alright!!
As the seven Llama’s were unloaded Hero and I made eye contact and I knew he was mine for the day!!! Hero is the alpha male in the herd and as such Keven told me he acted regal at times and I just needed to be patient. Kevin may have no people skills but he loves his animals and coached us on how to gain their trust. I started talking softly to Hero and soon he started making lots of Llama noises and we talked constantly throughout the trek. We trekked on the rocky beach stopping often for the Llamas to grave. Llamas each constantly and in the beginning we stopped every 5 minutes for them to eat so it was slow going. When we reached the toilet zone they all took d and that was very slow. Llamas pee for a really long time…I am talking 3-4 minutes!!! I thought Hero was done and he wasn’t and I got schooled on how rude it was to interrupt a llama when they are peeing!!!
About 3 hours later we reached the largest fur seal colony and were offered the chance to go to the beach to see them but I chose to hang with Hero. I have seen lots of seals throughout the world but only had this one opportunity to be with Hero.
On the way back we took the walkway and people would drive by and stop to take pictures of our conga line of llamas!
Back at our starting point I was forced to load Hero in the trailer!! He looked back as if to say goodby!! What a special moment!!
Back in town I caught a shuttle to the airport for my second adventure for the day, whale watching by plane. I have done lots of whale watching in the past but this was a totally different experience. Flying over the whale and being able to see their full body was surreal. We saw two different sperm whales and a large pod of pilot whales. Flying over a sperm whale when they spout was incredible!!
Back on land I raced back to the town to catch the last tender back to the ship. There are no words to describe how incredible this day was so I will just say “Best day ever….so far!!!!”