December 7, 2024
We sailed thought the night and as dawn was breaking this morning, we enter the Almirantazgo Inlet. We passed through Ainsworth Bay, mooring near the 120-foot-high Marinelli Glacier.
Then, we had our first opportunity to go ashore via the ship’s Zodiac crafts.
Onshore, we walked through the Magellanic forest teeming with evergreens and deciduous trees.and small bodies of water.
After our 3 hour hike we were back on board for a well deserved lunch while we cruised to Tuckers Islets.
We got back in the zodiacs to cruise to where we caught sight of cormorants and Magellanic penguins. Magellanic penguins migratory patterns bring them here between October and early March—distinguishable by the wideblack stripes under their chins and inverted horseshoe shapes on their stomachs. It was so much fun watching them play in the water!!
We just beat the rain on our way back to the ship where we were served hot chocolate with a splash of whiskey!!
Our final excursion was to view the food storage and engine room!! It takes a lot of food to feed this hungry bunch!
So blessed to have yet another “Best Day Ever….so far”!!!