August 3, 2023
The day started off with a big disappointment when my tour that I booked two months ago got cancelled. This was a snorkel trip with sea scooter that had shark faces painted on them. It was the tour I was most looking forward to……drat!!!
But then I stood on the dock and watched another beautiful sunrise and found the koi pond. The koi pond with the multi colored fish provided a peaceful place to meditate and reset the day’s expectations. Life was good again.
While sitting at breakfast I saw our ship come into dock! Can’t wait to get under sail.
We walked into town and found the local market and got to see all the local fruits and crafts.
In town at the when you push the button to get the walk signal it says something in French that sounds like “FU don’t walk” I am sure that is not what it is not saying but I could not stop laughing.
We boarded the ship and got settled into my room and then when up on deck to checkout the ship. The pool is hilarious it is about 8 X8!! I bet I can do 1000 laps and not get tired. The good news is I have an entire ocean to play in starting tomorrow!!!
Another beautiful sunset sitting out on deck!! Tomorrow we sail off to Moorea and I will in search of dolphins!!
At least you escaped the Phoenix inferno.
Bummer about your sea scouter excursion, just means the next ones on your agenda will be even better. Love how you find joy in whatever comes your way.
What beautiful pictures, thanks bunches, glad you are enjoying your life bucket picks.
We are.
Love you
Connie & Winnie