February 24, 2023
Today we crossed the equator on our way to Bali, Indonesia.
Crossing the equator resulted in a Pollywog ceremony onboard. A Pollywog is a sailor who has not crossed the equator. King Neptune and his wife presided over the ceremony with a judge who based on the audience verdict, which was always guilty pronounce judgment on the pollywogs. The judgment was they had to kiss the fish then have cold spaghetti and slime poured on them. Then they jumped into the pool! Yes, officers in full uniform participated. I would not want to clean that pool!!! Also no ordering spaghetti for dinner!!!
The former pollywogs are now shellbacks. Thankful I crossed the equator on my Galapagos trip and the ceremony was just crossing a banner….whew!!!
A fun event on a quiet sea day.
What a mess!! But what a hoot!