March 2, 2023

The day started very windy!  In fact we had a tug boat that was pushing the ship towards the dock so we could disembark.

I headed out on an excursion to the outback of the Northern Territory along with a visit to Litchfield Park.   We loaded onto the coach at 7:15 for the 2 1/2 hour trek through the northern territory to Litchfield Park.   The terrain was so green due to the record breaking wet season. There were several downpours as we traveled along but as we entered the park for our first stop at the termite mounds.

Magnetic termite mounds are exclusive to Northern Territory and named due to the wedge-shaped aligned with its main axis running north and south. Therefore, mounds are mysteriously aligned to the earth’s magnetic field. The termite mounds are enormous magnetic compasses, with their thin edges pointing north-south and broad backs facing east-west. These amazing architectural feats of nature, complete with arches, tunnels, chimneys, insulation and nursery chambers, can reach up to 13 feet high. The tallest ones are called cathedral mounds. The white ants (aka termites) never surface and eat the trees via underground tunnels from the mound. The estimate that the tallest one (in pictures) is over 100 years old.   Just as all of the other tourist had cleared the area so I could get a picture the skys open up and I was soaked once again. Fortunately I had remembered to bring the plastic covering for the camera but did I remember my rain jacket???? Not!!!

Then we headed to Wangi Falls. The dual falls were spectacular and running really strong due to all the rain. The normal viewing area is underwater and you can see the benches that are partially submerged.   As I was enjoying the sound of the water crashing into the lake below guess what happened????   Yep, the rain started again and we dashed for cover.

Lunch was in a shed made from shipping container with a dirt floor or as it was described in the brochure…..rustic!!

Back into the park we headed for Tolmer Falls. The viewing stand for this one is above it providing spectacular views. As we stepped off the coach of course the rain started again!!! The camera was protected so I headed out and the view was so worth getting wet!!   The picture of me with my out of control hair that not even a hat can conceal is hilarious!!!

Heading back to Darwin we stopped at the Berry Springs café that had a metal alligator on the roof and sponsors alligator racing on Saturday nights.  I loved the plates on the truck!!!

Another cloudy sunset ended the adventure in Darwin.

Fun Facts from Darwin:

  1. It normally rains at 4:30 in the afternoon so all of the city workers work schedule ends at 4:21 so they can get home before the rain.
  2. The northern territory has the largest lithium mines and provides over 75% of the world’s lithium.
  3. 18 of the 20 most lethal snakes are in the Litchfield Park.   ARGH!!!
  4. Flies not bees populate mangos!
  5. Darwin harbor is 3X larger than Sydney harbor and is the largest producer of natural gas.

March 6th I will be snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef. An adventure that was delayed for over 6 years.   I am so excited!!  If something happens and we can’t dock just know that I am jumping overboard!!!!

D2 Tug2
D2 Mound
D2 Mound2
D2 Mound4
D2 Rain
D2 Water4
D2 Water
D2 Water2
D2 Water3
D2 Lunch
D2 Water5
D2 Water6
D2 Water7
D2 Me
D2 Gator
D2 Truck
D2 Sunset
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