January 23, 2023
We docked at Port Safaga a town in Egypt on the coast of the Red Sea that is 137 miles from Luxor.
The adventure for the day was to go to Luxor and visit both the Valley of the Kings and the Temple of Karnak. Sounds easy right????
The day began with queuing at 6:00am to board buses. If you can image queuing with 1500 other people, going though two security checks and a passport check with mass confusion by many of the “olds” on what is required you have an idea of how much fun it was.
About 45 minutes later I was on the bus and headed for Luxor. So Luxor is only 137 miles away but took almost 4 hours. About every 1½ miles there are police stations that include speed bump so about the time the bus get up to speed there is another speed bump. Our bus developed a serious mechanical issue and barely made it to our destination.
Although it was a long drive I really enjoyed the view of the small towns and especially the countryside. It was interesting to see the donkey carts, the Tut Tut taxis and the fields of sugar cane. Life is not easy for the people of Egypt.
The pictures in this post are of that journey in an effort to convey what life is like for the Egyptian people. The pictures were all taken out the bus window so not great quality but hopefully it will give you a sense of everyday life.
I will be doing two additional posts on Egypt one on the Valley of the Kings and one on the Temple of Karnak there are just too many pictures and information I want to share to do it all in one post.
If the show at the Temple of Karnak is at night like I saw, it is well worth it. Can hardly wait for your next update.
Not exactly picturesque, but interesting.