January 7, 2023
I was very concerned about the number of “at sea days” because I was sure that I would be bored, well that has not happened!!!
There is so many things schedule that there are tough choices to be made when there are 3 events at the same time. Before the trip started I set a goal for myself of trying something outside my comfort zone everyday and so far I have really enjoy most of them.
Challenge activities so far:
1. Fencing- loved this class and will continue! Interesting fact that there are plastic cups that women put in the jacket to protect the girls!!
2. Immersive Shakespeare – We are learning how to perform Shakespeare and the meaning of some of the passages. One of the really fun activities was we were each given a Richard III insult and all stood up and went around insulting each other. My insult was “Thou art unfit for any place but hell”! Image saying that to strangers!! Acting has never been on my radar but this is a blast and to understand the process actors go though to get into role is so interesting!!
3. Bridge – Since I stopped playing poker I really haven’t found another card game that interest me. I think bridge is gonna be my game. The best part is the three people at my table who are so patient with me and are people I want to get to know!!
4. Watercolor – had fun but I am not very good. Best I stick with fused glass.
5. Ballroom dancing – I am trying but I am really not coordinated!! The rolling ship helps cover my lack of coordination!!
They do 3-4 lectures a day called Insights. They feature experts in their fields including British history, transatlantic history (including the Titanic on the day we passed by the resting spot) and my favorite The Royal Butler.
I have always been a British family junky and to hear Grant Harrold (The Royal Butler) speak about his time serving the royal family is so interesting. His video clips of the queen, his real emotions about her and his he had an opportunity to dance with her brought me to tears along with most of the rest of the audience. He also shared recipes for her favorite cake and biscuit and I will be making those when I get home!!
The director of the Art Gallery host’s fun lectures everyday including the greatest art heists, street art and psychology of art. He starts of his lectures with I may look like a bouncer but I am really the art director! I love his accent and he makes the topic so fun!
Evening entertainment ranges from symphony, opera, comedians and musicians. Incredible that you and enjoy such a range of great performance and then head upstairs to your room.
My typical day is:
5:00 am – Wake up (check email and work on blog because everyone else is sleeping so I can get connected)
5:45am – Off to the gym for my workout
7:00am – Guided Meditation (working on calming my brain)
7:30am – Core and Stretching Class
8:00am – Yoga or Zumba (the rolling ship add a bit of fun to these classes)
9:00am – Breakfast
9:30am – Bridge
10:30am – Insight Lecture
11:30am – Lunch
12:00pm – This time does not exist on ship because everyday we are in a new time zone and at 12 the clock moves forward an hour so it is never noon.
1:00 – Ballroom Dancing or Fencing
2:00 – Shakespeare
3:00 – Art History
4:00 – Insight Lecture
5:00 – Insight Lecture
6:00 – Work on blog
7:00 – Dinner
8:00 – Evening entertainment
10:00 –Back to room to plan the next day then time for the jams!!
So both mind and body are being challenged with no time to be bored!!
The next blog will be about my fellow passengers!!!
Well, this is not the relaxing cruise that they show on commercials: people sitting around, eating and drinking. From what I know of you Mary, this is right up your alley: doing and trying everything under the sun to “relax”. I AM SO, SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Keep up the good work (relaxing) and I look forward to reading your next day(s) of adventure!
Thou art amazing
Wow! That schedule looks exhausting! I love your phone booth.