January 10, 2022
The QM2 can accommodate 2,620 passengers, in addition to 1,200 crewmembers. Our voyage has about 2000 passenger on her right now and once we get to Southamption about 1500 of them will depart and 1000 will board. There are only 332 of us who are doing the whole 117 days.
What type of people travel on the QM2 you ask? Sometimes feel I am in one of those incredible BBC shows that I love. The majority of the people who are currently on the ship are Brits over 80 years old. One couple I chatted with has been married for 80 years, they are both 100 and still traveling! They love using the QM2 to do the translantic crossing because OM2 has lots of bars and less stressfull than flying. The first day I thought I was the only under 80 person on board but I have found others. It is serously funny to walk down the corridors on the ship and see all the mobility scooters parked in the halls. If Iwas cruise director I would be holding scooter races on deck 7. With the headwinds and listing we have had the last few days it would be hilarious!! Another activity would be duling canes because if they don’t have a scooter they have one or more canes. Good news is if the ship goes down I can beat them all to the first life boat!!!
The first day I went to a solo’s travelers meeting and the others were all over 80 widows who wear a excessive amount of floral cologne. They all popped out their crocet and spent the entire time gossiping about Harry. Argh!!!! I was wondering what I had gotten myself into. During that meeting we were alerted that a medical emergency had occurred and the Coast Guard helecoptor would coming to evacuate them. One of the passengers had crashed their scooter when the ship listed and had broken a hip.
The old Brits are delighful especially the guys who dress so dapper in their plaids and stripes. The picture I have attached was a delightful women who was dressed up for the Roaring 20’s night, she was having such a good time.
I have started to find my people! I love my bridge group; all yanks who are doing the full voyage. Image a pediatrician, a navy wife (who was married for 60 years! Love Lola already), a catholic priest and me all learning bridge together. It is a fun group of people who love to adventure or the start of a murder mystery. Stay tuned!
Betsy, from Virginia is my fencing partner and she is as fierce as I am. The guys in the class just kinda stand back when we are going at it!!! I have had tea with her a couple of times but she gets off in Southampton. Hope I find another fierce fencing partner!
Len my dance lesson partner is 82 but he has some moves!!! He and his ex wife used to cruise all the time because they loved dancing but she divorced him after 50 years of marriage for a younger man (new man is only 78). Sadly he will be leaving in Southampton!
My favorite British words that I have picked up so far are Loo (way better than bathroom) and trainer (way more fun than sneaker)!
I will leave you with the mantra from my meditation class today
“A minute of anger deprives you of 60 seconds of happiness”
PS – The featured picture is of a fused glass dress that I hope to have the skill one day to recreate!!
I guess you might be called a whipper-snapper! 80 years old plus cruisers? I bet you had no idea. I would have not! I guess that lady who is going for that younger 78 year old man is having a “way past” midlife crisis. I do feel sorry for that couple, really.
Anyway, I am enjoying all of your adventures and waiting for your next post … enjoy.
This provided a good and needed laugh this morning! It’s fun being the young one sometimes, isn’t it. Miss you.
What type of people travel on QM2….WEALTHY
Fabulous start! You are doing what you do best…finding people to talk to, engage with and befriend. You are truly enjoying the adventure. You go girl! PS where is the pic of you in your R0aring 20s outfit?
I loved this article…..so funny! And I can visualize everything you’re describing. Harry’s biography Spare came out today, so I can only imagine you’ll be hearing a lot more gossip on that topic.
cool dress Mary, you look like you are in the 30, 40’s.
Great article! Love to hear your perspective in such an honest way. Remember when you came into the gym and went straight for the resistance sticks. That was your prep for fencing! Kill em!
Glad to hear you are interested in playing bridge. We are bridge players and always looking for possible partners so will talk when you get home.