April 23-24, 2023
We docked in Southampton just after midnight almost 7 hours ahead of schedule due to the need to do some repair work.
It was a bit nostalgic to return to Southamption since this was the first port on the world voyage and now it is close to the end. I have been gone from home for 113 days with only 7 days to go.
I headed out on an adventure to the New Forest to see little ponies with my friend Lola.
The New Forest is one of Europe’s most important locations for nature and conservation. Its unique mix of landscapes including ancient woodlands, wetlands and bogs, and open heathlands means it is home to many rare species of plants and wildlife long since lost from the UK and Europe. The ponies are allowed to roam free within the park. We didn’t see many of them but I was able to capture a few pictures.
We then stopped at Lyndhurst, which is a large village situated in the New Forest National Park in Hampshire, England. It is a quaint village with lots of interesting building and a beautiful church. The train goes out the long dock to take people out to the ferry. It reminded me of the train we took in Ushuaia/Tierra-del-Fuego-National-Park.
After a fun morning of exploring the new forest are we returned to the ship and got on the shuttle bus to head into the city center of Southampton. That is when things got interesting. A couple that was on the shuttle asked us how we felt about the fact that the last portion of our voyage (Southampton to NYC) had been cancelled. That was a total shock to us as we had been gone since early morning and had not gotten the notice. We had a yummy lunch at Zizzi’s then cut short the rest of our planned day to head back to the ship to find out what was happening. When we got back we found out that the needed repairs to the ship we extensive and that we would not be sailing back to NYC!!! I immediately started packing, as I didn’t know when I would get information on getting home. Packing in a rush after you have seen away for almost 4 months is chaotic!!!
Monday arrived and we still had not heard anything so late afternoon we headed into town to the Sea Museum that has lots of information on the Titanic. The Titanic was built in Southampton and a large portion of the crew that perished was from the town. Yes, I am steering the Titanic in the picture!! Now you know the real reason it hit the iceberg!!
We walked around the town and somehow ended up back at Zizzi’s (yes, it is my favorite restaurant) for a late lunch. As we were eating lunch the skies opened up and it rained really hard. We tried to wait it out but eventually had to make a run for it. Yes, my feet got soaked and that was the only pair of shoes that were not packed…lol!
Back at the ship there was still no information on flights so I booked my own reservation and will be flying home on 4/25. I am looking forward to being home after an incredible adventure!!!
Safe travels home. What an adventure. It was great reading your blod. Hope to see one day. Hugs
Ahhh….you’re flying home today. Safe travels on this final leg. I wish we lived closer. I’d love to hear all about your adventure in person, maybe with a glass of pinot noir. Good luck with the mental transition. I struggle with this even on our short adventures. Hugs.