November 24, 2024
About 6 months ago I read an article on reverse zoos, where the humans are in a cage and the animals are free to interact with the humans!! Of course I wanted to go. Further research identified that there was one close to Santiago and since I was going there as part of the Patagonia trip I immediately booked it. When I arrived yesterday I found out that the activity provider had changed the time to 8:00am instead of 3:00pm. Since my flight didn’t arrive until 8:45am I missed out. Not to be deterred I found a private driver and went today. I was not going to be denied!!
At the Santiago Safari Park Zoo rescued animals receive exceptional care. A revere zoo was conceived as an evolution of the traditional zoo, where the logic of the cages is reversed. I hopped in a caged car for a thrilling safari, feeding lions and having the experience of having them so close. I have been on multiple safaris’ where I have sat in a jeep and watched the animals from a distance but never had them watching me!!! I had a lion sitting on top of my head with only the cage separating us. His paws were huge and his tongue was incredible long as he licked the chicken that the handler was tempting him with. He looked down at me with an expression on his face of “You looking at me”!! One of the most incredible moments in my life!!!
After the lion trek we went out on a tractor that had feeding buckets all along the cars and fed all of the other animals. How fun to be so close and to feed and pet the menagerie of animals!!
When we got back to the city I did a walk past the US Embassy where there is a group of street art panel celebrating the share values of education. A perfect way to savor the day!
We are headed to Rapa Nui (AKA Easter Island)tomorrow which is the most remote inhabited island in the world!! Internet will be almost impossible so no blogs for a few days!!
Today was absolutely a “Best day ever…. so far”